Curriculum Vitae

  • Skills and Competences

    I am a versatile and experienced professional with a strong research, technology, and design background, complemented by an extensive network across academia and industry. My international and multidisciplinary work experience has equipped me with high-level networking and collaboration skills, allowing me to engage with individuals from diverse backgrounds and disciplines effectively.


    Portuguese (mother tongue)

    English (proficient)

    Spanish (proficient)

    Dutch (intermediate)

    German (basic)

    Italian (basic)

    Technical Skills:

    Programming: Proficient in Processing and Arduino environments.

    Graphic Design: Skilled in InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator.

    Office Productivity: Fluent in both proprietary and open-source office software.

    Prototyping: Experienced in creating interactive and reactive systems, wearables, objects, and hybrid spaces, focusing on user experience, functionality, and meaning. Well-versed in rapid prototyping tools such as laser cutting and 3D printing.

    Research and Pedagogical Expertise:

    Research: Specialised in qualitative and mixed-methods research, adept at synthesising information from various sources to create meaningful insights and innovative solutions.

    Teaching: Extensive experience teaching at all educational levels, with the ability to engage and inspire diverse audiences.

    Public Speaking: Skilled in public speaking and capable of delivering impactful presentations to academic and industry audiences.

    Social Skills and Competencies:

    High adaptability to international and multidisciplinary environments.

    Strong networking capabilities, with an extensive professional network across academic and industry sectors.

    Proven ability to work under pressure and excel in collaborative settings.

  • Work Experience

    Dates: September 2022 - Present.
    Position: PostDoc Researcher in Consumer experience.
    Responsibilities: Design, run and analyse studies and workshops, produce academic output, mentoring, and consulting.
    Employer: Textile Circularity Centre at Royal College of Art - London (UK)
    Type of Business: Research. 

    Dates: May 2024 - August 2024.
    Position: Steering Board Member
    Responsibilities: Evaluate and select the winners of the Worth Project open call for innovation in fashion and accessories.
    Employer: European Commission / Worth Project - Brussels (BE).
    Type of Business: Public Institution.

    Dates: March 2020 - February 2024.
    Position: co-founder Responsibilities: Prototyping and branding.
    Employer: Shifa Technologies - Leicester (UK). 
    Type of Business: Medtech.

    Dates: June 2020 - December 2020.
    Position: Steering Board Member
    Responsibilities: Evaluate projects for knowledge transfer programs between Academia and SMEs in the Fashion Industry.
    Employer: European light industries innovation and technology Program by European Commission - Brussels (BE)
    Type of Business: Public Institution. 

    Dates: September 2013 - Present.
    Position: Guest Lecturer Develo, deliver and evaluate students of the Fashionable Technologies II course about wearable systems.
    Employer: University of Arts and Design Linz- Linz (AT).
    Type of Business: Education 

    Dates: January 2018 - January 2021.
    Position: Project’s Mentor.
    Responsibilities: Mentorship to award projects for the Worth Partnership project from the European Commission with a focus on accelerating innovation in the fashion field through strategic partnerships between SMEs.
    Employer: European Commission | Worth Partnership Project.
    Type of Business: Public Institution. 

    Dates: October 2013 - Present.
    Position: Workshop facilitator
    Responsibilities: Facilitate workshops on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) for graphic design, fashion, illustration, jewellery design and product design students.
    Employers: HEAD - Geneva, ESDEMGA - Pontevedra, IED - Madrid (ES), and University of Antwerp (BE).
    Type of Business: Education.

    Dates: February 2012 - May 2015.
    Position: Guest lecturer.
    Responsibilities: Elaborate and teach workshops for fashion, design, photography, fine arts and lifestyle students.
    Employer: Willem de Kooning Academy / Rotterdam (NL)
    Type of Business: Education.  

  • Education

    Dates: 2019 - 2024.
    Qualification Awarded: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Design, specialising in embodied methods. Thesis: ‘Sense Fiction: a Sensory-Driven Framework for Ideation of Wearable Haptic Artefacts’
    Institution: Loughborough University - School of Design and Creative Arts, Loughborough (UK). 

    Dates: 2006 - 2009
    Qualification Awarded: Master's in Arts Interactive systems for human-technologies interactions. Thesis: ‘Design Wearables for Interactive Art Based on Brazilian Tropicalism.’
    Institution: Interface Culture Department at the University of Art and Design of Linz, Linz (Austria).

    Dates: 2000 - 2002.
    Qualification Awarded: Bachelor in Multimedia and Graphic Design Design Institution: SENAC - SP, São Paulo (Brazil).

    Dates: 1996 - 2001.
    Qualification Awarded: Bachelor in International Relations, International affairs, Politics, Social Sciences.
    Institution: Catholic University of São Paulo, São Paulo (Brazil).  

  • Publications

    For academic publications, visit:

    Roupas Inteligentes: Combinando Moda e tecnologia por Ricardo ONascimento. Editora Senac, São Paulo. Brasil

    Pop, Susa / Toft, Tanya / Calvillo, Nerea. “What Urban Media Art Can Do. Why When Where and How?”. AV edition, 2016.

    Ryan, Suzan Elisabeth. “Garments of Paradise” - wearable discourse in the digital age. MIT Press, 2014.

    Scott, Jac. "The Language of mixed-media sculpture". Crowood, 2014.