
New(s)wor(l)d (2008)

This project proposes the use of news produced by different online information via RSS. These data are transformed by computer coding process and creates color, movement, sound, and graphics relief patterns – one unique environment portraying a chaotic digital imaginary scenery of the world subjectively. Our Era, our opinion, and the atmosphere brought up-to-date in a real-time holistic vision.


While the frantic development of Human Being affirms ever-increasing speeds of information processing, the evolution of means of communication follow the rhythm and often push thoughts to inconceivable directions. The cognitive development of perception suggests a perpetual motion meta-language in which the re-reading of senses, by themselves, happens at each quantum interval period. Charged with news every time the eyelids open, the brain adapts itself in the face of this growing reality by creating evolution and survival alternatives. The organization of processes of specific knowledge appropriation passes necessarily through learning and naming the ecosystem featured as the present reality. Due to these considerations and taking obvious and trivial alternatives on the cybernetic internet environment, this work-study proposes the affirmation of RSS technology, bringing it to the extreme of artistic creation.

Chance, open work, art, and food

Solid food is not the exclusive source of life of the Human Being. Along the historical path of our species, less dense forms of food were explicit and of great use on an everyday basis. Without extensive consideration of this fact it is worth to focus on information as food in a non-metaphorical sense.

The human brain is always about to incorporate the "now" fully and genuinely but never reaches this purpose. Nothing wrong about that because it continues searching this utopia, what leads it to come across another type of discoveries, different from the "goal" but sufficiently interesting. One of man's selective artifices, culminating in something with the RSS characteristics, suggests an evident purpose: to make relevant information available in real time to specific individuals in specific circumstances so that they can use them as food.

RSS primary function is to link sites of the same quality or interest, building specific networks and fulfilling its purpose in the minds of every individual who uses this technology. The proposed open work intends to take away from this final interpreter the act of judging. Starting from specific directives and specifications, this software will then transform casual variables into images that can be appreciated and judged by the interpreter. 


Openwork that takes art to the extreme since, in an ideal situation, it leads the creation to endure itself by portraying the cosmos captured by human mechanisms. To sustain itself by creating images dictated by chance and linked to the spectators' wills and desires and to their total freedom of interactive input.

Spectators can add inputs at any time as long as the site makes RSS information available and the bandwidth used allows this information traffic. The user sees final images projected and dispose of a field to register a new section on the mechanism.

Each RSS feed creates a ball that spreads light and sound according to the information coming from the feed in real time. When a feed finds a similar content in other feed, it creates a line connecting them. Everyone is able to insert or delete feeds in the system. For that, there is a screen-based interface where you can interact.

Code: Mar Canet and Travis Kirton